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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.

Build and test a documentation update

After you have completed your documentation update, you want to run the documentation's end-to-end tests on your local computer. These tests are some of the tests that are run after you open a pull request. You can find end-to-end test failures faster when you run them on your local computer than after you open a pull request.

Build the documentation on your local computer

Before you test your updated documentation, you want to build it to make sure you test your latest changes.

To build the documentation on your local computer

Perform these steps from a command-line tool on your local computer or in the terminal pane of your IDE.

  1. Navigate to your working directory.

  2. From your working directory, run this command to navigate to the aio directory. The aio directory contains Angular's documentation files and tools.

          cd aio
  3. Run this command to build the documentation locally.

          yarn build

    This builds the documentation from scratch.

After you build the documentation on your local computer, you can run the end-to-end test.

Run the end-to-end test on your local computer

This procedure runs most, but not all, of the tests that are run after you open a pull request.

To run the end-to-end test on your local computer

On your local computer, in a command line tool or the Terminal pane of your IDE:

  1. Run this command from your workspace directory to navigate to your working directory.

          cd personal/angular
  2. Replace working-branch with the name of your working branch and run this command to check out your working branch.

          git checkout working-branch
  3. Run this command to navigate to the documentation.

          cd aio
  4. Run these commands to run the end-to-end tests.

          yarn e2e
    yarn docs-test
  5. Watch for errors that the test might report.

No errors reported

If the end-to-end tests report no errors and your update has passed all other reviews required, your documentation update is ready for a pull request.

After you open your pull request, GitHub tests the code in your pull request. The tests that GitHub runs include the end-to-end tests that you just ran and other tests that only run in the GitHub repo. Because of that, even though your update passed the end-to-end tests locally, your update could still report an error after you open a pull request.

Errors reported

If the end-to-end tests report an error on your local computer, be sure to correct it before you open a pull request. If the update fails the end-to-end test locally, it is likely to also fail the tests that run after you open a pull request.

Last reviewed on Wed Oct 12 2022