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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.

Built-in control flow

Angular templates support control flow blocks that let you conditionally show, hide, and repeat elements.

Angular built-in control flow is in developer preview. It is ready to try, but may change before becoming stable.

@if block conditionals

The @if block conditionally displays its content when its condition expression is truthy:

      @if (a > b) {
  {{a}} is greater than {{b}}

The @if block might have one or more associated branches. Immediately after an @if block, you can optionally specify any number of @else if blocks and one @else block:

      @if (a > b) {
  {{a}} is greater than {{b}}
} @else if (b > a) {
  {{a}} is less than {{b}}
} @else {
  {{a}} is equal to {{b}}

Referencing the conditional expression's result

You can create a reference to the result of an @if block's conditional expression and use that reference inside the block's content.

      @if (users$ | async; as users) {
  {{ users.length }}

@for block - repeaters

The @for block renders its content for each item in a collection.

      @for (item of items; track {
  {{ }}

The collection can be any JavaScript iterable, but standard JavaScript Array values offer performance advantages.

track for calculating difference of two collections

The @for block requires a track expression. Angular uses the value of this expression as a unique identity for each item. This identity allows the framework to perform the minimal set of DOM operations necessary after items are added, removed, or reordered.

For simple cases, you can use track $index as a reasonable default.

$index and other contextual variables

Inside @for contents, several implicit variables are always available:

Variable Meaning
$count Number of items in a collection iterated over
$index Index of the current row
$first Whether the current row is the first row
$last Whether the current row is the last row
$even Whether the current row index is even
$odd Whether the current row index is odd

These variables are always available with these names, but can be aliased via a let segment:

      @for (item of items; track; let idx = $index, e = $even) {
  Item #{{ idx }}: {{ }}

Aliasing is useful when nesting @for blocks so that you can reference these variable values in deeper blocks.

empty block

You can optionally include an @empty section immediately after the @for block content. The content of the @empty block displays when there are no items:

      @for (item of items; track {
  <li> {{ }}</li>
} @empty {
  <li> There are no items.</li>

@switch block - selection

The syntax for switch is similar to if, inspired by the JavaScript switch statement:

      @switch (condition) {
  @case (caseA) {
    Case A.
  @case (caseB) {
    Case B.
  @default {
    Default case.

The value of the conditional expression is compared to the case expression using the === operator.

@switch does not have fallthrough, so you do not need an equivalent to a break or return statement.

The @default block is optional and can be omitted. If no @case matches the expression and there is no @default block, nothing is shown.

Comparing built-in control flow to NgIf, NgSwitch and NgFor

The @if block replaces *ngIf for expressing conditional parts of the UI.

The @switch block replaces ngSwitch with major benefits:

  • The @switch block does not require a container element for the condition expression or each conditional template.
  • The @switch block supports template type-checking, including type narrowing within each branch.

The @for block replaces *ngFor for iteration, and has several differences compared to its structural directive NgFor predecessor:

  • The @for block requires a tracking expression to uniquely identify items in the collection. While NgFor requires a trackBy method, however, the @for block simplifies tracking by accepting a track expression.
  • You can specify content to show when the collection is empty with the @empty block.
  • The @for block uses an optimized algorithm for determining a minimal number of DOM operations necessary after a collection is modified. While NgFor allowed developers to provide a custom IterableDiffer implementation, the @for block does not support custom differs.

The track setting replaces NgFor's concept of a trackBy function. Because @for is built-in, we can provide a better experience than passing a trackBy function, and directly use an expression representing the key instead. Migrating from trackBy to track is possible by invoking the trackBy function:

      @for (item of items; track itemId($index, item)) {
  {{ }}

With NgFor, loops over immutable data without trackBy are the most common cause of performance bugs across Angular applications.