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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.

NG0910: Unsafe bindings on an iframe element


You see this error when Angular detects an attribute binding or a property binding on an <iframe> element using the following property names:

  • sandbox
  • allow
  • allowFullscreen
  • referrerPolicy
  • csp
  • fetchPriority

The mentioned attributes affect the security model setup for <iframe>s and it's important to apply them before setting the src or srcdoc attributes. To enforce that, Angular requires these attributes to be set on <iframe>s as static attributes, so the values are set at the element creation time and they remain the same throughout the lifetime of an <iframe> instance.

The error is thrown when a property binding with one of the mentioned attribute names is used:

      <iframe [sandbox]="'allow-scripts'" src="..."></iframe>

or when it's an attribute bindings:

      <iframe [attr.sandbox]="'allow-scripts'" src="..."></iframe>

Also, the error is thrown when a similar pattern is used in Directive's host bindings:

  selector: 'iframe',
  host: {
    '[sandbox]': `'allow-scripts'`,
    '[attr.sandbox]': `'allow-scripts'`,
class IframeDirective {}

Debugging the error

The error message includes the name of the component with the template where an <iframe> element with unsafe bindings is located.

The recommended solution is to use the mentioned attributes as static ones, for example:

      <iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" src="..."></iframe>

If you need to have different values for these attributes (depending on various conditions), you can use an *ngIf or an *ngSwitch on an <iframe> element:

      <iframe *ngIf="someConditionA" sandbox="allow-scripts" src="..."></iframe>
<iframe *ngIf="someConditionB" sandbox="allow-forms" src="..."></iframe>
<iframe *ngIf="someConditionC" sandbox="allow-popups" src="..."></iframe>