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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.

ng deploy

Invokes the deploy builder for a specified project or for the default project in the workspace.

      ng deploy [project]


The command takes an optional project name, as specified in the projects section of the angular.json workspace configuration file. When a project name is not supplied, executes the deploy builder for the default project.

To use the ng deploy command, use ng add to add a package that implements deployment capabilities to your favorite platform. Adding the package automatically updates your workspace configuration, adding a deployment CLI builder. For example:

      "projects": {
  "my-project": {
    "architect": {
      "deploy": {
        "builder": "@angular/fire:deploy",
        "options": {}


Argument Description Value Type

The name of the project to build. Can be an application or a library.



Option Description Value Type Default Value

One or more named builder configurations as a comma-separated list as specified in the "configurations" section in angular.json. The builder uses the named configurations to run the given target. For more information, see

Aliases: -c


Shows a help message for this command in the console.
