Use downgradeNg2Component to create an AngularJS Directive Definition Factory from
Angular Component. The adapter will bootstrap Angular component from within the
AngularJS template.
The component is instantiated by being listed in AngularJS template. This means that the
host element is controlled by AngularJS, but the component's view will be controlled by
Even thought the component is instantiated in AngularJS, it will be using Angular
syntax. This has to be done, this way because we must follow Angular components do not
declare how the attributes should be interpreted.
ng-model is controlled by AngularJS and communicates with the downgraded Angular component
by way of the ControlValueAccessor interface from @angular/forms. Only components that
implement this interface are eligible.
Use upgradeNg1Component to create an Angular component from AngularJS Component
directive. The adapter will bootstrap AngularJS component from within the Angular
The component is instantiated by being listed in Angular template. This means that the
host element is controlled by Angular, but the component's view will be controlled by
Registers the adapter's AngularJS upgrade module for unit testing in AngularJS.
Use this instead of angular.mock.module() to load the upgrade module into
the AngularJS testing injector.
any AngularJS modules that the upgrade module should depend upon
Optional. Default is undefined.
UpgradeAdapterRef: an UpgradeAdapterRef, which lets you register a ready() callback to
run assertions once the Angular components are ready to test through AngularJS.
const upgradeAdapter =newUpgradeAdapter(MyNg2Module);// configure the adapter with upgrade/downgrade components and services
upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component(MyComponent);let upgradeAdapterRef:UpgradeAdapterRef;let $compile, $rootScope;// We must register the adapter before any calls to `inject()`
upgradeAdapterRef = upgradeAdapter.registerForNg1Tests(['heroApp']);});
beforeEach(inject((_$compile_, _$rootScope_)=>{
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;}));
it("says hello",(done)=>{
upgradeAdapterRef.ready(()=>{const element = $compile("<my-component></my-component>")($rootScope);
expect(element.html()).toContain("Hello World");done();})});
When reasoning about how a hybrid application works it is useful to have a mental model which
describes what is happening and explains what is happening at the lowest level.
There are two independent frameworks running in a single application, each framework treats
the other as a black box.
Each DOM element on the page is owned exactly by one framework. Whichever framework
instantiated the element is the owner. Each framework only updates/interacts with its own
DOM elements and ignores others.
AngularJS directives always execute inside AngularJS framework codebase regardless of
where they are instantiated.
Angular components always execute inside Angular framework codebase regardless of
where they are instantiated.
An AngularJS component can be upgraded to an Angular component. This creates an
Angular directive, which bootstraps the AngularJS component directive in that location.
An Angular component can be downgraded to an AngularJS component directive. This creates
an AngularJS directive, which bootstraps the Angular component in that location.
Whenever an adapter component is instantiated the host element is owned by the framework
doing the instantiation. The other framework then instantiates and owns the view for that
component. This implies that component bindings will always follow the semantics of the
instantiation framework. The syntax is always that of Angular syntax.
AngularJS is always bootstrapped first and owns the bottom most view.
The new application is running in Angular zone, and therefore it no longer needs calls to