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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


Options for toSignal.

      interface ToSignalOptions {
  initialValue?: unknown
  requireSync?: boolean
  injector?: Injector
  manualCleanup?: boolean
  rejectErrors?: boolean


Property Description
initialValue?: unknown

Initial value for the signal produced by toSignal.

This will be the value of the signal until the observable emits its first value.

requireSync?: boolean

Whether to require that the observable emits synchronously when toSignal subscribes.

If this is true, toSignal will assert that the observable produces a value immediately upon subscription. Setting this option removes the need to either deal with undefined in the signal type or provide an initialValue, at the cost of a runtime error if this requirement is not met.

injector?: Injector

Injector which will provide the DestroyRef used to clean up the Observable subscription.

If this is not provided, a DestroyRef will be retrieved from the current injection context, unless manual cleanup is requested.

manualCleanup?: boolean

Whether the subscription should be automatically cleaned up (via DestroyRef) when toSignal's creation context is destroyed.

If manual cleanup is enabled, then DestroyRef is not used, and the subscription will persist until the Observable itself completes.

rejectErrors?: boolean

Whether toSignal should throw errors from the Observable error channel back to RxJS, where they'll be processed as uncaught exceptions.

In practice, this means that the signal returned by toSignal will keep returning the last good value forever, as Observables which error produce no further values. This option emulates the behavior of the async pipe.