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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


      class DebugElement extends DebugNode {
  constructor(nativeNode: Element)
  nativeElement: any
  name: string
  properties: {...}
  attributes: {...}
  styles: {...}
  classes: {...}
  childNodes: DebugNode[]
  children: DebugElement[]
query(predicate: Predicate<DebugElement>): DebugElement
queryAll(predicate: Predicate<DebugElement>): DebugElement[]
queryAllNodes(predicate: Predicate<DebugNode>): DebugNode[]
triggerEventHandler(eventName: string, eventObj?: any): void // inherited from core/DebugNode constructor(nativeNode: Node) nativeNode: any parent: DebugElement | null injector: Injector componentInstance: any context: any listeners: DebugEventListener[] references: {...} providerTokens: any[] }

See also


      constructor(nativeNode: Element)
nativeNode Element


Property Description
nativeElement: any Read-Only

The underlying DOM element at the root of the component.

name: string Read-Only

The element tag name, if it is an element.

properties: { [key: string]: any; } Read-Only

Gets a map of property names to property values for an element.

This map includes:

  • Regular property bindings (e.g. [id]="id")

  • Host property bindings (e.g. host: { '[id]': "id" })

  • Interpolated property bindings (e.g. `id="{{ value }}")

    It does not include:

  • input property bindings (e.g. [myCustomInput]="value")

  • attribute bindings (e.g. [attr.role]="menu")

attributes: { [key: string]: string | null; } Read-Only

A map of attribute names to attribute values for an element.

styles: { [key: string]: string | null; } Read-Only

The inline styles of the DOM element.

classes: { [key: string]: boolean; } Read-Only

A map containing the class names on the element as keys.

This map is derived from the className property of the DOM element.

Note: The values of this object will always be true. The class key will not appear in the KV object if it does not exist on the element.

See also:

childNodes: DebugNode[] Read-Only

The childNodes of the DOM element as a DebugNode array.

See also:

children: DebugElement[] Read-Only

The immediate DebugElement children. Walk the tree by descending through children.


      query(predicate: Predicate<DebugElement>): DebugElement
predicate Predicate<DebugElement>

DebugElement: the first DebugElement that matches the predicate at any depth in the subtree.

      queryAll(predicate: Predicate<DebugElement>): DebugElement[]
predicate Predicate<DebugElement>

DebugElement[]: All DebugElement matches for the predicate at any depth in the subtree.

      queryAllNodes(predicate: Predicate<DebugNode>): DebugNode[]
predicate Predicate<DebugNode>

DebugNode[]: All DebugNode matches for the predicate at any depth in the subtree.

Triggers the event by its name if there is a corresponding listener in the element's listeners collection.

See also:

      triggerEventHandler(eventName: string, eventObj?: any): void
eventName string

The name of the event to trigger

eventObj any

The event object expected by the handler

Optional. Default is undefined.



If the event lacks a listener or there's some other problem, consider calling nativeElement.dispatchEvent(eventObject).