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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


An interface that describes the subset of component metadata that can be retrieved using the reflectComponentType function.

      interface ComponentMirror<C> {
  selector: string
  type: Type<C>
  inputs: ReadonlyArray<{...}
  outputs: ReadonlyArray<{...}
  ngContentSelectors: ReadonlyArray<string>
  isStandalone: boolean


Property Description
selector: string Read-Only

The component's HTML selector.

type: Type<C> Read-Only

The type of component the factory will create.

inputs: ReadonlyArray<{ readonly propName: string; readonly templateName: string; readonly transform?: (value: any) => any; }> Read-Only

The inputs of the component.

outputs: ReadonlyArray<{ readonly propName: string; readonly templateName: string; }> Read-Only

The outputs of the component.

ngContentSelectors: ReadonlyArray<string> Read-Only

Selector for all elements in the component.

isStandalone: boolean Read-Only

Whether this component is marked as standalone. Note: an extra flag, not present in ComponentFactory.