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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


Configuration options for LocationUpgrade.

      interface LocationUpgradeConfig {
  useHash?: boolean
  hashPrefix?: string
  urlCodec?: typeof UrlCodec
  serverBaseHref?: string
  appBaseHref?: string


Property Description
useHash?: boolean

Configures whether the location upgrade module should use the HashLocationStrategy or the PathLocationStrategy

hashPrefix?: string

Configures the hash prefix used in the URL when using the HashLocationStrategy

urlCodec?: typeof UrlCodec

Configures the URL codec for encoding and decoding URLs. Default is the AngularJSCodec

serverBaseHref?: string

Configures the base href when used in server-side rendered applications

appBaseHref?: string

Configures the base href when used in client-side rendered applications