A spy for Location
that allows tests to fire simulated location events.
class SpyLocation implements Location {
urlChanges: string[]
setInitialPath(url: string)
setBaseHref(url: string)
path(): string
getState(): unknown
isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: string, query: string = ''): boolean
simulateUrlPop(pathname: string)
simulateHashChange(pathname: string)
prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string
go(path: string, query: string = '', state: any = null)
replaceState(path: string, query: string = '', state: any = null)
historyGo(relativePosition: number = 0): void
onUrlChange(fn: (url: string, state: unknown) => void): VoidFunction
subscribe(onNext: (value: any) => void, onThrow?: (error: any) => void, onReturn?: () => void): SubscriptionLike
normalize(url: string): string
Property | Description |
urlChanges: string[]
setInitialPath() |
setBaseHref() |
path() |
ParametersThere are no parameters. Returns
getState() |
ParametersThere are no parameters. Returns
isCurrentPathEqualTo() |
simulateUrlPop() |
simulateHashChange() |
prepareExternalUrl() |
go() |
replaceState() |
forward() |
ParametersThere are no parameters. |
back() |
ParametersThere are no parameters. |
historyGo() |
onUrlChange() |
subscribe() |
normalize() |